How to Design PCB Transmission Lines with Controlled Impedance

Presented by: Sierra Circuits

Featuring: Brian Walker, Senior RF Engineer SME 


When designing circuits in the GHz range, ensuring uniform transmission line impedance becomes critical to maintain signal integrity. These traces play a key role in managing propagation delay, which is essential for synchronized data transfer.


In this webinar, you’ll learn the best practices for designing PCB transmission lines with controlled impedance.


How to Design PCB Transmission Lines with Controlled Impedance Webinar
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How to Design PCB Transmission Lines with Controlled Impedance - Presented by Sierra Circuits

How to Design PCB Transmission Lines with Controlled Impedance

Presented by: Sierra Circuits

Featuring: Brian Walker, Senior RF Engineer SME 


When designing circuits in the GHz range, ensuring uniform transmission line impedance becomes critical to maintain signal integrity. These traces play a key role in managing propagation delay, which is essential for synchronized data transfer.


In this webinar, you’ll learn the best practices for designing PCB transmission lines with controlled impedance.


How to Design PCB Transmission Lines with Controlled Impedance Webinar
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High-Speed PCB Design and VNA Testing - Presented by Sierra Circuits

High-Speed PCB Design and VNA Testing

Presented by: Sierra Circuits

Featuring: Brian Walker, Senior RF Engineer SME 

When designing PCBs with operating frequencies beyond 10 GHz, you’ll often encounter challenges such as signal reflections, crosstalk, propagation delay, and EMI. These issues might degrade the S/N ratio and attenuate the transmitted signal. If left unchecked, the signal’s fidelity decreases over time, and the entire system might crash.

In this high-speed PCB webinar, you will learn the key design challenges and techniques to tackle them.


  • What is the OTA Antenna Test System?
  • What applications can it be used for?
  • How to calibrate the VNA for radiation pattern measurement?
  • How to select the correct bundle for your application?
  • Live Measurement Demonstration
High-Speed PCB Design and VNA Testing Webinar

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Overview of CMT's Over-The-Air (OTA) Antenna Test System for 5G and mmWave Frequencies

Overview of CMT's Over-The-Air (OTA) Antenna Test System for 5G and mmWave Frequencies

In this webinar, CMT’s Applications Engineering Team Lead, Patrick Li, will provide a comprehensive overview of the new OTA Antenna Test System for 5G and mmWave measurements. The following topics will be discussed:


  • What is the OTA Antenna Test System?
  • What applications can it be used for?
  • How to calibrate the VNA for radiation pattern measurement?
  • How to select the correct bundle for your application?
  • Live Measurement Demonstration


Overview of CMT's Over-The-Air (OTA) Antenna Test System for 5G and mmWave Frequencies

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Present and Future of 75Ω in Vector Network Analysis

Present and Future of 75Ω in Vector Network Analysis

In this webinar, Eddy Vanderkerken of SOURCERER will discuss the current market for 75 Ohm VNAs and highlight some of the best calibration tools and accessories available for 75 Ohm analyzers. Then he’ll discuss the key differences in 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm connectors, followed by a couple of live measurement demonstrations, before offering insight into the future of 75 Ohm measurements and answering listener-submitted questions.


The measurement demonstrations performed by CMT’s Brian Walker will include a 470 MHz LPF measurement using CMT’s SC7540 VNA​ and an evaluation of a 75 Ohm cable up to 12 GHz using CMT’s S5180B VNA with 50-to-75-ohm mechanical adapters​.

Present and Future of 75Ω in Vector Network Analysis

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Free Space Material Characterization at Millimeter Wave: Using Frequency Extenders with CTG's Focused Beam System

Free Space Material Characterization at Millimeter Wave: Using Frequency Extenders with CTG's Focused Beam System

Compass Technology Group (CTG) specializes in wide bandwidth RF material measurement systems ranging from specialized probes to focused beam systems. For years, CTG has been integrating CMT’s Compact VNAs into their material measurement systems.  One of these systems, CTG’s Millimeter Wave Focused Beam System, demonstrates excellent free space material measurement capabilities in combination with CMT’s FET WR-XX frequency extenders (up to 220 GHz). In this joint webinar, CTG’s chief scientist, Dr. John Schultz, will demonstrate the newest Focus Beam system and highlight some fundamentals of free-space measurements at millimeter wave frequencies. 

Free Space Material Characterization at Millimeter Wave: Using Frequency Extenders with CTG's Focused Beam System

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Introduction to OTA Measurement for mmWave and Sub-THz with MilliBox and CMT Components

Introduction to OTA Measurement for mmWave and Sub-THz with MilliBox and CMT Components

Jeanmarc Laurent from MilliBox is showing a live demo of an accessible complete OTA system setup consisting of a VNA, an anechoic chamber and a 3D DUT positioner.

During this course we will cover the following points:

  • How to select the right positioner type
  • How to select the right chamber size
  • How to operate the MilliBox software controller
  • How to collect and process the data from a VNA
  • How to expend this setup for frequency beyond 50GHz
  • Q&A
Introduction to OTA measurement for mmWave and Sub-THz with MilliBox and CMT Components

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Using MilliBox System with Copper Mountain Technologies CobaltFx FET1854 mmWave Extenders


Frequency Extension System with a Cobalt Vector Network Analyzer

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Manufacturing Test for Automated Measurements

VNA 101 Bootcamp: Manufacturing Test for Automated Measurements

A VNA may be used in automated test for manufacturing. A basic automation plugin is available on the CMT website which may be modified to suit the particular needs of a manufacturing environment. This webinar will demonstrate a simple manufacturing test setup and show how it might be adapted to more sophisticated applications.

Manufacturing Test for Automated Measurements

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Pulse Measurement of a Power Amplifier

VNA 101 Bootcamp: Pulse Measurement of a Power Amplifier

Benchtop VNA measurement of an RF Power Amplifier can be greatly facilitated by using a pulsed RF stimulus. If a continuous wave excitation is used, the PA may require a large heatsink and a fan to produce airflow. On the other hand, if the PA is measured with pulsed RF with a low duty cycle, the overall heat dissipation can be greatly reduced and heat-sinking may not be necessary at all.

Pulse Measurement of a Power Amplifier

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Time Domain Gating Measurements with a VNA

Time Domain Gating Measurements with a VNA

Time domain gating is a very useful tool in vector network analysis. If a measurement can be made over sufficient bandwidth, there will be ample resolution in the time domain to “gate out” reflections which are of no interest and obscure the desired measurement. It is helpful to first understand the time domain conversion process and then the simple manner in which chosen spatially defined reflections may be eliminated. Join us for this webinar where we explore time domain gating measurements with a VNA.

Time Domain Gating Measurements with a VNA 
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VNA Calibration, Kits, Error Terms and Calculation

VNA Master Class Webinar: VNA Calibration, Kits, Error Terms and Calculation

Brian: VNA Calibration, Kits, Error Terms and Calculation

In this webinar, one- and two-port calibration of a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) will be examined in depth. The properties of a typical SOLT calibration kit will be explained. The two-port, twelve term error model and the three-term error model for one-port calibration will be analyzed and the mathematics for three term, one-port calibration will be shown. Finally, Brian will highlight the simple steps to use more than three calibration standards for an over-determined calibration before answering viewer submitted questions.

VNA Calibration, Kits, Error Terms and Calculation
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Automatic Calibration Module Confidence Check


SOLT and SOLR Calibration of a Vector Network Analyzer

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VNA Basics

VNA 101 Bootcamp: VNA Basics Webinar

This webinar will touch on the basic concepts which underlay the operation of a Vector Network Analyzer. What does it really measure? What are the key components? What are its limitations? How does one compare one analyzer to another? What are the key specifications? We’ll take a brief look at the evolution of VNA design over the years to understand how a state-of-the-art VNA is USB based without an embedded operating system. The viewer should come away with an intuitive understanding of VNA operation and how best to use this important measurement tool.

VNA 101 Bootcamp - VNA Basics
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VNA 101 Bootcamp: Introduction to Multiport Measurements

VNA 101 Bootcamp Webinar: Introduction to Multiport Measurements

Multiport VNA

Multiport measurements are important for a number of applications. 5G MIMO beamforming systems, for instance, require the measurement and evaluation of the phase and amplitude of multiple signal outputs simultaneously. This webinar will demonstrate a multiport measurement from setup to final results.