Trace/Channel | Stimulus | Response | Display | Calibration | Markers | Analysis | Save/Recall | System | Remote Only
Calibration | Calibrate: | Meas STDs | Adapter Removal/Insertion | Unknown Thru Addition | Cal Kit: | Define STDs | Specify CLS | Power Calibration | Receiver Calibration | Mixer/Converter Calibration: Scalar | Vector | Port Extension: | Auto Port Extension | System Z0 | AutoCal Module | Remote Only: AutoCal | Misc Commands | R/W Meas of Cal STDs | R/W Cal Coefficients
note |
This icon This icon Comments are in italics. |
Calibration |
Correction (ON/OFF) |
Cal Trig Source (Internal | System) |
Calibrate |
Response (Open) |
Response (Short) |
Response (Thru) |
Method |
Full 1-Port Cal |
One Path 2–Port Cal |
2-Port (SOLT) Cal |
2-Port TRL Cal |
Multiline TRL (ON/OFF) |
Apply |
Cancel |
Calibration method query |
Measurement of Calibration Standards (Calibrate) |
For calibrations: •Response •Full 1–Port Cal •One Path 2–Port Cal •2–Port SOLT Cal |
Open |
Short |
Load |
Thru |
Isolation (Optional) |
In calibration: •2–Port TRL Cal |
1-2 Thru/Line |
Port n Reflect |
1-2 Line/Match |
Subclass number |
Adapter Removal/Insertion (Calibrate) |
Select Port |
Adapter Delay |
Adapter Media (Coaxial | Waveguide) |
Delay Unit (Seconds | Meters) |
Permittivity |
Cutoff Frequency |
Unknown Thru Addition (Calibrate) |
Thru Delay |
Thru Media (Coax | Waveguide) |
Delay Unit (Seconds | Meters) |
Permittivity |
Cutoff Frequency |
Complete 2-Port Calibration |
Cal Kit |
Select |
Description (Cal Kit table) |
Label (Cal Kit table) |
Restore Cal Kit |
Save To File |
Load From File |
Define STDs (Cal Kit) |
Add STD |
Delete STD |
Define STD Data |
Define STDs (The count of standards in the selected calibration kit is equal to the number of rows in the Standards table) |
*The following are the column labels in the Table of Standards: |
Standard_Type |
Standard_Label |
Frequency_Fmin |
Frequency_Fmax |
Offset_Delay |
Offset_Z0 |
Offset_Loss |
Terminal Impedance (Load) |
C0 10–15 F (Open) |
C1 10–27 F/Hz (Open) |
C2 10–36 F/Hz2 (Open) |
C3 10–45 F/Hz3 (Open) |
L0 10–12 H (Short) |
L1 10–24 H/Hz (Short) |
L2 10–33 H/Hz2 (Short) |
L3 10–42 H/Hz3 (Short) |
Specify CLS (Cal Kit) |
*The following are the column labels in the Table of calibration standard classes: |
Subclass n (Select column) |
Load Port x (Fill row) |
Open Port x (Fill row) |
Short Port x (Fill row) |
Thru Port x-y (Fill row) |
TRL Line Port x-y (Fill row) |
TRL Thru Port x-y (Fill row) |
TRL Reflect Port x-y (Fill row) |
Power Calibration |
Power Sensor Zero Correction |
Take Cal Sweep |
Correction (ON/OFF) |
Loss Compensation (ON/OFF) |
Loss Compen (data) |
Export Loss Table |
Import Loss Table |
Status of power correction (Interpolation/extrapolation) |
Power correction data |
Receiver Calibration |
Correction (ON/OFF) |
Calibrate Test Receiver |
Calibrate Reference Receiver |
Calibrate Both |
Power Offset |
Scalar (Mixer Calibration) |
Select ports |
Direction (Forward | Revers | Both) |
Port n Open |
Port n Short |
Port n Load |
Port n-m Thru |
Power |
Measure STDs Using ACM |
Apply |
Cancel |
Clear calibration coefficients |
Vector (Mixer Calibration) |
Select Port |
LO Frequency |
IF Frequency (RF+LO | RF-LO | LO-RF) |
Open |
Short |
Load |
Save To Touchstone File |
Execute Using ACM |
Setup Option (ON/OFF) |
Port Extension |
Extension (ON/OFF) |
Extension Port n |
Loss1 (ON/OFF), Loss2 (ON/OFF) |
Freq1, Freq2 |
Loss1, Loss2 |
Loss at DC |
Auto (Port Extension) |
Select Port(s) |
Method (Current span | Active Marker | User Span) |
Include Loss (ON/OFF) |
Adjust Mismatch (ON/OFF) |
User Span Start |
User Span Stop |
Auto Port Extension |
Measure Short, Measure Open |
System Z0 |
System Z0 |
Port n Z0 |
Auto Select Z0 (ON/OFF) |
AutoCal Module |
1-Port AutoCal > Port n |
One Path 2–Port AutoCal > Port n->m |
2-Port AutoCal |
Characterization |
Auto-Orientation (ON/OFF) |
Execute Auto-Orientation |
Port n (Orientation) |
Unkn Thru (ON/OFF) |
Thermo Compensation (ON/OFF) |
Characterization Info… |
Confidence Check |
Set "CHECK" |
Set "THRU" |
Characterization data |
Characterization frequency array |
Number of characterization points |
Set port Impedance (OPEN|SHORT|LOAD) |
Readiness status |
Temperature of module |
Misc Calibration Commands
Clears the table of calibration coefficients |
Calibration Information |
Interpolation/extrapolation status of error correction |
Read/Write Measurement Data of Calibration Standards
Thru Reflection |
Thru Transmission |
Load |
Open |
Short |
Isolation |
Read/Write Calibration Coefficients
Sets method before activation |
Response Open |
Response Short |
Response Thru |
One-path two-port |
Full one-port |
Full two-port |
Calibration coefficient data read/write |
Activates written calibration coefficients |