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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

SCPI Command

SOURce<Ch>:POWer:PORT<Pt>:CORRection:COLLect:TABLe:LOSS:DATA <numeric list>



Sets/gets the loss compensation table used when the power calibration is executed by the SOUR:POW:PORT:CORR:COLL command.

Note: If the array size is not 1 + 2N, where N is equal to <numeric 1>, an error occurs. If the <numeric 2n> and <numeric 2n+1> values are out of the allowable range, the value of the limit, which is closer to the specified value will be set.



Port <Pt> of channel <Ch>,




The array size is 1+2N, where N is the number of measurement points.

For the n–th point, where n from 1 to N:

<numeric 1> the number of the table rows N integer from 0 to 10001;

<numeric 2n> the frequency of the n–th row of the table;

<numeric 2n+1> the loss compensation value of the n–th row of the table from –100 to +100 dB.

Query Response

<numeric 1>, <numeric 2>, …<numeric 2N+1>

Related Commands



Equivalent Softkeys

Calibration > Power Calibration > Loss Compen

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Rev.:  22.3