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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

SCPI Command

SENSe<Ch>:CORRection:RECeiver<Pt>:COLLect:RCHannel:ACQuire <srcport>


Executes receiver calibration of the reference receiver of the specified port <Pt>. The test receiver calibration uses port number <srcport> as the source port.

Note: The source port number must be the same as the receiver port number, except for VNAs with direct access to the receiver.

Note: The command starts the measurement of the calibration data immediately regardless the trigger settings. The command blocks the execution of the subsequent commands until the completion of the measurement.

no query


Port <Pt> of channel <Ch>,






The number of the source port from 1 to 2

Equivalent Softkeys

Calibration > Receiver Calibration > Calibrate Reference Receiver

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Rev.:  22.3