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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

SCPI Command

SENSe<Ch>:CORRection:TRIGger:FREE[:STATe] {OFF|ON|0|1}



Enables/disables the internal trigger source for calibration. If the internal trigger source for calibration is enabled then a command of the calibration standard measurement starts the measurement immediately. If the internal trigger source for calibration is disabled then the system trigger source is used (which is set for regular measurement with the command TRIG:SOUR) to start the calibration standard measurement.

The system trigger source also enables the averaging trigger function (TRIG:AVER) and the point trigger function (TRIG:POIN) for calibration.

Note: When the system trigger source is selected you should avoid the program trigger source (BUS), otherwise the program deadlock is possible.

Note: The command does not apply to the electronic calibration, the power calibration and the receiver calibration. The internal trigger always used in these cases.



Channel <Ch>,



Specifies the trigger source for calibration:





Query Response


Preset Value


Equivalent Softkeys

Calibration > Cal Trig Source {Internal | System}

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Rev.:  22.3