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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

SCPI Command

SENSe<Ch>:CORRection:COLLect:THRU:ADDition:LENGth <numeric>



Sets or reads out the approximate value of the mechanical length of an unknown thru in the thru addition function. This value is used to eliminate the uncertainty of ± 180 ° when calculating the phase response of the thru.

If this value is set to zero, the analyzer uses an algorithm to automatically determine the delay of the thru. In most cases setting this value to zero is enough. Setting this value to non-zero is required when:


Note: The delay and the length of the adapter can be set mutually



Channel <Ch>,



<numeric> the approximate value of the thru length.


m (meters)

Query Response


Preset Value


Equivalent Softkeys

Calibration > Calibrate > Thru Addition > Thru Delay

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Rev.:  22.3