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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

SCPI Command

SENSe<Ch>:CORRection:COLLect:DATA:THRU:TRANsmission <rcvport>,<srcport>, <numeric list>

SENSe<Ch>:CORRection:COLLect:DATA:THRU:TRANsmission? <rcvport>,<srcport>


Writes or reads out the array of the transmission measurement performed between the receiver port <rcvport> and the source port <srcport> using the thru standard.

The array size is 2N, where N is the number of measurement points.

For the n–th point, where n from 1 to N:

<numeric 2n–1> real part of the measurement

<numeric 2n> imaginary part of the measurement



Channel <Ch>,




The number of the receiver port from 1 to 2


The number of the source port from 1 to 2

<numeric list>

The data array of the transmission measurements using the thru standard

Query Response

<numeric 1>, <numeric 2>, …<numeric 2N>

Related Commands


Equivalent Softkeys


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Rev.:  22.3