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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

SCPI Command

SYSTem:COMMunicate:ECAL:FREQuency:DATA? [<characterization>]


Reads out the AutoCal module characterization frequency array.

The array size is N, where N is the number of points of the specified characterization (See the SYST:COMM:ECAL:POIN? command). For the n-th point, where n is from 1 to N:

<numeric n>        frequency value at the n-th characterization point

query only


<characterization>:  {[FACTory]|USER1|USER2|USER3} specifies the name of the characterization, if omitted the factory characterization is used

Query Response

<numeric 1>, <numeric 2>, …<numeric N>.

Equivalent Softkeys


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Rev.:  22.3