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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

SCPI Command

SENSe<Ch>:CORRection:OFFSet:COLLect:ECAL:SAVE <string>


Measures ACM and completes the vector mixer calibration procedure. Calculates S-parameters of the calibration mixer + filter and writes them to a touchstone file. If the setup option is turned ON by the SENS:CORR:VMC:COLL:OPT command then turns on the de-embedding S-parameters of the calibration mixer + filter. Use ACM measurement instead of measuring three mechanical standards: OPEN, SHORT, LOAD.

no query


Channel <Ch>,



<string> destination file name (optional). If parameter is omitted the file name 'vmctemp.S2P' is used.

Related Commands


Equivalent Softkeys

Calibration > Mixer/Converter Calibration > Vector Mixer Calibration > Execute Using ACM

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Rev.:  22.3