S5180B 2-Port 18 GHz Analyzer
S5180B is a 2-Port 18 GHz Vector Network Analyzer offering improved performance and functionality compared to its predecessor S5180 Compact VNA. S5180B is the first CMT VNA with built-in Pulse Modulation Generation/Measurement capabilities. The Pulse Modulation feature is a paid software option sold separately from the VNA and is only compatible with the S5180B and S5243 VNAs due to hardware requirements. The Pulse Modulation option can be added at any time during or after the initial VNA purchase.
S5180B has a built-in pulse modulator, synchronizer, and a set of logical generators supporting various pulse generation options and corresponding measurement modes. Pulses can be generated Synchronously or Asynchronously with respect to VNA measurement timing. The VNA can be integrated into a production test system via Manufacturing Test plug-in.
S5180B VNA includes an RF measurement module and S2 software application which runs on Windows or Linux operating system on a PC, laptop, tablet, or x86 board computer connecting to the measurement hardware via USB interface. S2 software can be installed on multiple computers, making it easy to share the use of the analyzer measurement module.
VNAs and ACMs are delivered with factory calibration certificates containing no data. The add-on option for ISO17025/Z540-1 Accredited, Traceable Calibration Certificate and Uncertainties is available and needs to be specified at time of order.
Unsure which Compact VNA is best for your application? Check out our Compact VNA comparison here.
Applications of the S5180B include RF component design and testing, on-wafer probing, field testing, insertion loss measurement, distance to fault measurements, antenna matching, quality control, material measurements, and many others.
Pulse modulated measurements are utilized in high power amplifiers development, manufacturing, and testing, especially on-wafer components where a heat sync isn’t practical. S5180B has built-in HW and with additional SW can support various types of pulse measurements.
View our Applications page to see how CMT VNAs are already extending the reach of engineers in many industries and applications.
If you want to consult with our engineers about your specific application, please Ask an Engineer.
The S5180B VNAs come with all the software features engineers have come to expect, at no additional cost. Standard software features include:
- Linear/logarithmic sweeps with multiple trace formats
- Power sweeps
- Time domain and gating conversion
- Frequency offset mode
- Fixture simulation (embedding/de-embedding)
- 16 independent channels with up to 16 traces each
- Markers with marker search tools and marker math, various conversion algorithms, and limit tests for pass/fail criteria, etc.
- Test Automation programming in LabView, Python, MATLAB, .NET, etc.
S5180B is the first CMT VNA with built-in Pulse Modulation Generation/Measurement capabilities. The Pulse Modulation feature is a paid software option sold separately from the VNA and is only compatible with the S5180B VNA due to hardware requirements. The Pulse Modulation option can be added at any time during or after the initial VNA purchase.
S5180B has built-in HW and additional SW that can support various types of pulse measurements. Pulses can be generated Synchronously or Asynchronously with respect to VNA measurement timing.
Wideband detection mode is used for Synchronously generated pulses with S-parameter measurements completed within each RF pulse. In this case, most of the RF pulse spectrum is in the IF filter bandwidth, and the measurement dynamic range is therefore preserved.
Narrowband detection mode is used for Asynchronously generated pulses with S-parameter measurements made over a series of RF pulses. In this scenario, most of the RF pulse spectrum is outside the IF filter bandwidth and the only central carrier frequency is within the filter. This allows for the measurement of narrower pulses with some degradation of measurement dynamic range.
Pulse Profile mode measures the pulse envelope in time domain. All points of the pulse profile are gathered during one pulse duration.
CMT’s Manufacturing Test plugin is available to integrate the VNA into your production test system.
(S) Compact VNA Data Sheet | Extended Specification Sheet
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Testing Automation
Programming Examples | Programming Guides | S2 LabVIEW Drivers

Pulse Modulation Measurements with a VNA