
1-Port USB VNAs to 14 GHz


Compact USB VNAs to 44 GHz


Cobalt USB VNAs to 20 GHz


75 Ohm Solutions to 3 GHz


mmWave Solutions to 330 GHz

1-Port USB VNAs

Our patented 1-Port VNAs (cable and antenna analyzers) perform lab quality measurements connecting directly to the DUT without the need for a test cable (Patent US 9,291,657). The result is increased accuracy and quality of VNA measurements with a handheld instrument. If you have a specific need with one of our 1-Port USB VNAs you can let us know by visiting our applications page and filling out the form with your specifications.


Compact USB VNAs

Our Compact USB VNAs deliver lab grade performance in a compact package, while still providing all the features engineers expect included standard in our software: linear/logarithmic sweeps with multiple trace formats, power sweeps, time domain and gating conversion, frequency offset mode, fixture simulation (embedding/de-embedding), 16 independent channels with up to 16 traces each, markers with marker search tools and marker math, various conversion algorithms, and limit tests for pass/fail criteria, etc.


Cobalt USB VNAs

Our Cobalt Vector Network Analyzers deliver industry-leading dynamic range and sweep speed, with all the features engineers have come to expect included standard in our software: linear/logarithmic sweeps with multiple trace formats, power sweeps, time domain and gating conversion, frequency offset mode, fixture simulation (embedding/de-embedding), 16 independent channels with up to 16 traces each, markers with marker search tools and marker math, various conversion algorithms, and limit tests for pass/fail criteria, etc. We offer the Cobalt series in both 9 GHz and 20 GHz.

75 Ohm Solution USB VNAs

Our 75Ω network analyzers are portable, lightweight, and affordable. These solutions are ideal for applications within the cable and satellite TV industries, including development, production, and repair. Combined with cables, adapters, and impedance matching pads, CMT vector network analyzers provide a comprehensive solution for 75Ω test applications.

CobaltFx Frequency Extension System

Our CobaltFx cost-effective millimeter wave frequency extension system allows you to build a scalable and affordable 5G testing solution, offered with four extension frequency bands up to 110 GHz. CobaltFx is the first mmWave frequency extension solution that can be anchored by a 9 GHz VNA. The system can be delivered with any of four vector network analyzers including our C4209, C4409, C4220, and C4420. 20 GHz VNAs that are CobaltFx compatible are available for use with third-party frequency extenders, like Virginia Diodes, Inc. This solution with third-party extenders can increase the maximum frequency to 330 GHz.





Automated Testing Equipment (ATE)




Internet of Things (IoT)


RF Components




Medical Devices


Materials Measurement


Higher Education






Cable & Satellite


Consumer Electronics




  • A major step forward in affordable technology.  I am able to perform measurements with the Copper Mountain that a few years ago were well out of our price range. For such a compact unit it is very precise.  Essentially it’s a portable lab quality instrument that you can throw in a backpack.

    I very much enjoy using this VNA. It is compact and quite capable. The TDR function allows us to see line anomalies. We can sweep antennas with some external signal coming in. The automatic calibration is easy to perform, and exporting data allows the data to be included in a report. The markers and multiple chart formats allow one to see the same device under test (DUT) in multiple ways for a more comprehensive understanding of the DUT. Much more portable than our old HP VNA.


  • The advent of the R180 has enabled new technologies that are cutting-edge. We’ve found them to be less expensive and efficient. Technical support is great. It’s an individual working with us, so it’s not just buying one off the shelf and if you need to do something good luck to you. It’s that Copper Mountain Technologies works with us to figure out exactly what we need to do to solve our problem for our customer. And that’s really different from other companies that we’ve worked with.

    Compass Technology Group

  • The features, ease of use, and accuracy are top priorities for measurements. Dealing with mmWave measurements is very difficult, any misalignment can contaminate your measurement. You want to make sure the system is accurate and stable. Rerunning measurements costs you time and money. Data must be easy to manipulate and post process, which is a feature of Copper Mountain Technologies’ USB vector network analyzers. We were pleasantly surprised at how the measurements from the CobaltFx FEV-10 compared to other providers’ measurements.
    We chose the CMT VNA for the ease of use and cost. We work with all kinds of antennas: radar, electronic warfare, and telecom. These require testing in different types of environments and the size and portability of the FEV-10 frequency extension system allowed for that. Customer support has been superior. The big guys put you in the queue, but Copper Mountain Technologies responds to us quickly, even though we are a small company. Love the intuitive user interface. We love this thing.

    Pacific Antenna Systems

  • The C1220 has been working exceptionally – we are very happy with it. We have used it extensively to test for losses/reflections through waveguide and coax components. It does exactly what we needed it to do.

    H6 Systems Inc.

  • The dynamic range of the Copper Mountain Technologies’ 8GHz model was nearly identical to or slightly better than the 8.5GHz Keysight ENA unit.

    JFW Industries

  • The VNA evaluation was indeed very good. Integration was smooth, and it is just as fast as their larger counterparts. The test results provided were within our required accuracy. Price is slightly over that of some competitors with similar capabilities. We can definitely recommend it.

    EMITE Ingeniería, S.L.

  • The TR1300/1 1.3 GHz VNA offers excellent price/performance for any educational institution. The unit provides all conceivable functions with easy intuitive interface, thus minimizing retraining of specialists who are familiar with more expensive and branded product. We believe this is a great tool for anyone who needs to use VNA, saving cost and yet provide excellent performance. The special note is the ability of the software to adjust the output frequency of the reference generator – it is a good option that no one, except for Copper Mountain Technologies, has – a great tool to configure filters. We have bought 5 units and plan to increase the number to 100 for both educational and production environment.

    Spring Technologies Pte, Singapore

  • We developed a portable test system to allow operators to carry these to test antennas using the 1-Port R54 or R60. The test system is equipped with touchscreen monitor and it is very convenient and tests very well. It’s nice to have a computer to store data on compared to the traditional VNA setup before.

    Pulse Larsen Antennas
