WR-08 Proxi-Flange™
The WR-08 Proxi-Flange™ is an Eravant trademarked, patent pending, F-band contactless flange straight waveguide section with WR-08 waveguides and UG-387/U-M Anti-Cocking flanges. The Proxi-Flange™ is constructed with a special waveguide flange populated with an array of small pin-like structures to realize the RF choking actions. The Proxi-Flange™ avoids the problem of poor return loss and high insertion loss caused by imperfect contact when two waveguide flanges are mated. The captive screws normally used in waveguide test sets can cause cocking issues if tightened unevenly, but Proxi-Flange™ eliminates the need for any waveguide screws, resulting in improved device durability, measurement consistency, and test repeatability. Eravant’s Wave-Glide™, patent pending, fixture – the Novel Apparatus of Millimeter-Wave Frequency for Accurate and Automatic Testing, further enhances the Proxi-Flange™ benefits and makes it the perfect candidate for volume production and automatic test lines where frequent connection and disconnection between DUTs and test equipment occurs. Model STQ-WG-08025-FB-CF is offered to cover the frequency range of 90 to 140 GHz with an insertion length of 2.5”. Other insertion lengths and other frequency bands are offered under various model numbers to cover frequency ranges from 18 to 325 GHz.
- - Frequency range: 90 GHz to 140 GHz
- - Impedance: 50 Ohm
- Test Instrumentation
- Automatic Test Setup
- Volume Production Testing