If you need support, you can contact our expert engineers directly and include details about your support question, include any troubleshooting you have already tried, or attach images to help our engineers explain more about your issue.
Online Help manuals are available for S2VNA and PXIe software on the Download Documentation page. These online manuals are easy to navigate and have been designed to deliver an enhanced user experience. Online Help manuals for additional software versions are in development but the original versions are available. If you prefer to use a PDF manual for S2VNA or PXIe models, it is also available for download.

To help facilitate diagnosis of a suspected instrument malfunction, please find and download the Vector Network Analyzer Diagnostic Test (VNADT) program. VNADT is a program designed to guide the user through basic diagnostic tests. This application generates a diagnostic report that allows CMT’s support team to quickly assess any Analyzer malfunctions.

If your instrument requires repair, we will be happy to accommodate at either our Indianapolis office or an authorized service center near you. For information on requesting repair services you can view the process guide here.

We offer a full range of calibration services and repairs. Our Indianapolis calibration laboratory is accredited in accordance with the recognized international standard ISO/IEC 17025 (2017) and meets the requirements of ANSI/NCSL Z540-1994-1.  For information on requesting calibration services, you can view the process guide here.  Alternatively, our network analyzers and calibration kits can be calibrated by any ISO17025-accredited and Z540-1 compliant calibration lab worldwide, using our VNA Performance Test (VNAPT) software application.

Visit our integrations page to learn more about the complete solutions we offer through our integrations with many well-respected companies.