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Pruebas de Antenas mmWave por el Aire (OTA)
Las pruebas de antena suelen ser un paso crucial en el proceso de diseño de RF. Los dispositivos portátiles en…

Over-the-Air (OTA) mmWave Antenna Testing
Copper Mountain Technologies offers a turnkey Over-The-Air (OTA) Antenna Test System for precise far-field measurements in mmWave and sub-THz frequency…

Thermal Stability and VNA Measurement
This article explores the impact of thermal variation on the accuracy of VNA measurements. It explains how calibration helps correct…

Mixer Measurement with a Vector Network Analyzer
Learn about mixer measurement with a vector network analyzer from Brian Walker.

VNA Gating with Time Domain Processing
A Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) is typically used to characterize devices such as filters, antennas, amplifiers and other RF devices.…

The Inverse Chirp-Z Transform for VNA Time Domain Processing
The algorithm for computing the Inverse Chirp-Z transform is complicated and beyond the scope of this paper, but it should…