VNA 101 Bootcamp: Starter mmWave Measurements Webinar with Eravant
This webinar will demonstrate Eravant’s VNA frequency extenders and their ability to perform full two-port S-parameter measurements of millimeter-wave components. The example test system will include Eravant’s Proxi-FlangeTM waveguide adapters, as well as the Wave-GlideTM positioning system. The VNA frequency extenders add full waveguide-band frequency coverage to several industry-standard coaxial VNAs, including models available from Copper Mountain Technologies. Proxi-Flange contactless waveguide flanges enable fast and repeatable connections between VNA frequency extenders and the waveguide components being tested. The Wave-Glide positioning system further streamlines component testing by maintaining the alignment between VNA frequency extenders and the components being tested while providing an easy and reliable method of inserting and removing tested components. Eravant’s metrology-grade calibration kits and Quick-Connect waveguide assembly tools will also be demonstrated.
Andrew Laundrie
Andrew Laundrie graduated with a Master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin College of Engineering in 1987 and worked for twelve years in various industries as a design and applications engineer. He then returned to the University of Wisconsin to earn a Master’s degree in technology management. For the next 20 years, he worked at the University of Wisconsin as a senior staff engineer supporting large research projects including the IceCube and DUNE neutrino experiments. He now works at Eravant as a senior staff engineer.