RF Testing for Consumer Electronic Devices and Components
In this day and age, almost everything in our lives is connected. From audio/video equipment to smart home assistants, wireless home controls, wearables and device chargers, CMT vector network analyzers help designers and makers of household name brands ensure that their devices operate and communicate as expected. The USB VNAs from Copper Mountain Technologies are a great fit from R&D to manufacturing tests to manage production of consumer electronics.

Manufacturing Test Automation
Once a product is being manufactured, it is important to monitor production to ensure the output is of the highest quality. The Manufacturing Test Plug-in supports incorporating VNA software into automated manufacturing process. With the plug-in, companies can streamline production test processes, ensure consistency of test process across multiple operators and workstations, and easily create and manage pass/fail limits across multiple workstations. Pass/fail limits and instrument configuration are stored in a human-readable plaintext specifications file, which can be maintained by an authorized test engineer. Test results can be organized for subsequent retrieval and analysis and the plug-in can adapt to any specific production test process and QMS requirements.
Automatically Remove Fixture Effects
The Automatic Fixture Removal (AFR) plug-in uses metrology-grade de-embedding algorithms to eliminate fixture effects on small SMD-sized components. The AFR plug-in is available for use with Copper Mountain Technologies’ 2- and 4-port VNAs. CMT offers 2xThrough and 1xReflect fixture removal support with three methods that fit different fixture configurations. The intuitive AFR software moves the calibration plane towards hard to access DUTs and guides the de-embedding process using either time-gating, filtering, or bisect methods. These methods provide the user with better measurement accuracy and reliability based on the components being tested.
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