Copper Mountain Technologies
Rebecca Wilson
Marketing and Communications Manager
+1.317.222.5400 | rebecca.w@coppermountaintech.com
For Immediate Release
Copper Mountain Technologies Achieves ISO 9001:2015 Certification
INDIANAPOLIS, November 26, 2019 — Copper Mountain Technologies (CMT), a USB vector network analyzer manufacturer in Indianapolis, IN, USA, is proud to achieve ISO 9001:2015 certification. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 is the original quality management standard and the world’s most widely recognized quality management system certification. The standard ensures that businesses continuously improve their processes and comply with ISO 9001:2015’s stringent requirements that help products and services provided meet and exceed customer expectations.
Achieving ISO 9001:2015 certification demonstrates that CMT has implemented quality management systems and processes that support its core mission – extending the reach of engineers it serves. Following the ISO standard will ensure that our customers continue to get vector network analyzer solutions that fit their needs, including application and automation engineering, metrological support, application-specific customization, and quick service.
CMT CEO Irena Goloschokin said, “This is fantastic news and means our customers have complete assurance that they get the highest quality VNAs and engineering support and service. We take pride in delivering on our mission of extending the reach of engineers and enabling them to do their best work with affordable and accessible VNAs.” She adds, “All of us at CMT were very excited that our ISO assessor specifically noted in the report the strong customer focus in the CMT company culture, and all business processes and systems.”
About Copper Mountain Technologies
Copper Mountain Technologies develops innovative RF test and measurement solutions for engineers all over the world. It is based in Indianapolis with sales offices in Singapore and Miami. The company pioneered metrology-grade USB VNAs in 2011 and continues to push for innovation and change in the industry, to ensure engineers have access to the best technology. CMT achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification in 2019. The calibration lab in the USA is accredited in accordance with the recognized international standard ISO/IEC 17025 (2017) and meets all requirements of ANSI/NCSL Z540-1994-1. All CMT VNAs include application and automation support, and years of our engineering expertise at your disposal.
Copper Mountain Technologies provides a broad range of USB vector network analyzers, calibration kits, and accessories for 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm impedance. The VNAs use software for a Windows or Linux operating system on an external computer, PC, or tablet. CMT VNAs are used for RF and Microwave applications from 9 kHz to 110 GHz by engineers in industries like defense, automotive, materials measurement, medical, broadcasting, and telecommunications. CMT customers range from government and defense agencies and contractors, like NASA, United States Armed Forces, Canadian DoD and law enforcement, to universities, mid-size manufacturers, like Reactel and PCTEL, and small companies with just a few employees.