Download Free VNA Software
Vector Network Analyzer Software
Download free VNA software and install it on as many computers as needed, allowing multiple users to share the same measurement module while storing measurement data on each individual PC. The R, TR, S2, and S4 network analyzer software can run on both Windows and Linux operating systems. The PXIe_S2 software can run on Windows operating systems only. To download previously released versions of the vector network analyzer software, click here. CMT analyzers use one of the six software applications:
Compatible with 1-Port VNAs
Latest Windows Release 10-07-24 (Version 24.3.3)
Latest Linux Release 03-11-25 (Version 25.1.0)
Compatible with 2-Port, 1-Path Compact VNAs
Latest Windows Release 05-23-24 (Version 24.2.2)
Latest Linux Release 03-11-25 (Version 25.1.0)
Compatible with 2-Port, 2-Path Compact & Cobalt VNAs
Latest Windows Release 02-18-25 (Version 25.1.2)
Latest Linux Release 03-11-25 (Version 25.1.2)
Compatible with PXIe-S5090
Latest Windows Release 07-13-23 (Version 23.3.1)
Compatible with 4-Port Compact and Cobalt VNAs
Latest Windows Release 02-18-25 (Version 25.1.2)
Latest Linux Release 03-11-25 (Version 25.1.2)
Software releases are provided periodically throughout the year, incorporating bug fixes and feature enhancements, and always at no charge. Release notes provide the summary of new features and fixes for each release. Always install the latest version of software for the highest performance and most complete feature set. When you download free VNA software, it can be configured during or after installation to operate either as a software simulation of any instrument in the family, or to control a specific USB VNA model.
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