Wave-Glide™ Rail Positioning System
Eravant’s Wave-Glide™ Rail Positioning System is a patent pending rail system to enhance the millimeterwave VNA testing experience. Trademarked as Wave-Glide™, it is a Novel Apparatus for accurate, reliable and rapid testing when working with the VNA extenders and Eravant patent pending and trademarked Proxi-Flange™ contactless flange.
Proxi-Flange™ contactless flange is the key invention enabling Wave-Glide™ Rail to perform millimeterwave testing using VNA extenders. Proxi-Flange™ contactless flange is offered to cover the frequency range of 18 GHz to 220 GHz in waveguide bands from WR-42 to WR-05.
The rail setup eliminates the inter-connecting waveguides, avoids tedious and time-consuming alignment efforts, and increases the productivity. The Wave-Glide™ is constructed by using a set of linear rails together with mounting plates for connecting various VNA manufacturers’ extenders. The Wave-Glide™ is compatible with the extender modules listed on second page. Compatibility can be extended to other manufacturer’s frequency extender modules by customizing mounting plates.