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Automatic Fixture Removal




Sets or reads out the method for calculating fixture parameters.


Activates fixture simulation mode in the Analyzer software and applies the network de-embedding function to the analyzer ports connected to the fixture by loading the calculated S-parameters.


Saves the calculated S-parameters of the fixture.


Saves the raw S-parameters of the fixture measured on the calibrated analyzer without additional processing.


Reads out the error message when executing SCPI commands from the FIFO (First In First Out) error queue stored in the plug-in. The read-out error is deleted from the error queue.


Sets or reads out the connection configuration of the input fixture A (left) and the output fixture B (right):

Corresponds to the toggle switch A-B connection.


Sets or reads out the CAL ≠ DUT toggle switch state. The plug-in can use the CAL ≠ DUT mode if the DUT is installed in a fixture or is structurally implemented in a fixture where there is no possibility of removal. When the mode is turned on, an additional measurement step of the fixture along with DUT appears.

The CAL ≠ DUT mode is available only when the time gating method is selected.

Corresponds to the toggle switch CAL fixture and DUT fixture are different.


Sets or reads out the connection configuration of the fixtures A and A aux.

Corresponds to the toggle switch A-A connection.


Sets or reads out the connection configuration of the fixtures B and B aux:

Corresponds to the toggle switch B-B connection.


Sets or reads out the state of the checkbox indicating whether the left fixture is in use.

Corresponds to the checkbox Fixture A.


Sets or reads out the port number of the analyzer connected to the left fixture.

Corresponds to the area Fixture A. Port <Port>.


Sets or reads out the number of ports of the left fixture.

Corresponds to the area Fixture A. Num of ports.


Reads out the impulse response value of the left fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Gating. Fixture A. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response values of the left fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Gating. Gating trace. Fixture A. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impedance value of the left fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Impedance. Fixture A. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impedance values of the left fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Impedance. Impedance trace. Fixture A. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response value of the left fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Length. Fixture A. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response values of the left fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Length. Length trace. Fixture A. Port <Port>.


Sets or reads out the port number of the analyzer connected to the auxiliary (left) fixture.

Corresponds to Fixture A aux. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response value of the auxiliary (left) fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Gating. Fixture A aux. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response values of the auxiliary (left) fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Gating. Gating trace. Fixture A aux. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impedance value of the auxiliary (left) fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Impedance. Fixture A aux. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impedance values of the auxiliary (left) fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Impedance. Impedance trace. Fixture A aux. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response value of the auxiliary (left) fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Length. Fixture A aux. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response values of the auxiliary (left) fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Length. Length trace. Fixture A aux. Port <Port>.


Sets or reads out the state of the checkbox indicating whether the right fixture is in use.

Corresponds to the checkbox Fixture B.


Sets or reads out the port number of the analyzer connected to the right fixture.

Corresponds to the area Fixture B. Port <Port>.


Sets or reads out the number of ports of the right fixture.

Corresponds to the area Fixture B. Num of ports.


Reads out the impulse response value of the right fixture for port <Port>. Corresponds to Gating. Fixture B. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response values of the right fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Gating. Gating trace. Fixture B. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impedance value of the right fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Impedance. Fixture B. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impedance values of the right fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Impedance. Impedance trace. Fixture B. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response value of the right fixture for port <Port>. Corresponds to Length. Fixture B. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response values of the right fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Length. Length trace. Fixture B. Port <Port>.


Sets or reads out the port number of the analyzer connected to the auxiliary (right) fixture.

Corresponds to the area Fixture B aux. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response value of the auxiliary (right) fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Gating. Fixture B aux. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response values of the auxiliary (right) fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Gating. Gating trace. Fixture B aux. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impedance value of the auxiliary (right) fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Impedance. Fixture B aux. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impedance values of the auxiliary (right) fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Impedance. Impedance trace. Fixture B aux. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response value of the auxiliary (right) fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Length. Fixture B aux. Port <Port>.


Reads out the impulse response values of the auxiliary (right) fixture for port <Port>.

Corresponds to Length. Length trace. Fixture B aux. Port <Port>.


Sets or reads out the state of the Ignore low pass toggle switch.

Corresponds to the toggle switch Ignore low pass.

When the switch is turned on, the plug-in ignores the recommended frequency grid check and does not perform impedance conversion.


Resets the plug-in to the default settings.


Saves the current plug-in settings.


Reads out the analyzer readiness status.


Recalls the plug-in state file.

The plug-in control setup and analyzer parameters, including the calibration data, are loaded.


Returns the number of measurement steps on the Fixture Measurement tab.


Deletes the data at the <Step> measurement step.

Corresponds to Fixture measurement > Step <Step > of N > Delete data.


Returns the completion state of a particular measurement step <Step>.

Corresponds to Fixture measurement > Step <Step> of N.


Sets the state of the Use compensation of the max signal by the spline compensation checkbox.

1xReflect method. When the checkbox is enabled, the max signal is filtered in the time domain and smoothed. When this option is off, the signal is only filtered.

Corresponds to the checkbox Use compensation of the max signal by the spline compensation.


Sets the offset mode of the fixture calibration plane at the <Step> measurement step.

1xReflect method. To set the offset value, use the AFR:CALC:STEP<Step>:REF:OFFS command.


Sets the fixture reflection measurement mode at the <Step> measurement step to the Open state.

1xReflect method. To make measurements, use the AFR:CALC:STEP<Step>:REF:OPEN command.


Sets the fixture reflection measurement mode at the <Step> measurement step to the Short state.

1xReflect method. To make measurements, use the AFR:CALC:STEP<Step>:REFL:SHOR command.


Sets the manual input mode of the calibration plane offset at the <Step> measurement step.

2xThrough method. To set the offset values of each fixture, use the AFR:CALC:STEP<Step>:THRU:OFFS <numeric 1> , <numeric 2> command.

The command disables automatic determination mode of the calibration plane offset if it was previously enabled by the AFR:SYST:STEP<Step>:THRU:REFOFFS 1 command.

Execution of the command is ignored if the measurements were not performed at step <Step>. To find out the state of the measurement step, use the AFR:SYST:STEP<Step>:MEAS? command.


Sets automatic calibration plane offset mode at the <Step> measurement step.

The command disables manual input mode of the calibration plane offset if it was previously enabled by the AFR:SYST:STEP<Step>:THRU:OFFS {1|ON} command.

Execution of the command is ignored if the measurements were not performed at step <Step>. To find out the state of the measurement step, use the AFR:SYST:STEP<Step>:MEAS? command.


Sets reflection measurements at the <Step> measurement step to the Open state.

It is used for automatic determination of the calibration plane offset values.

2xThrough method. To make measurements, use the AFR:CALC:STEP<Step>:THRU:REFOFFS:OPEN command.


Sets reflection measurements at the <Step> measurement step to the Short state.

It is used for automatic determination of the calibration plane offset values.

2xThrough method. To make measurements, use the AFR:CALC:STEP<Step>:THRU:REFOFFS:SHOR command.


Returns the <Step> step type according to the connection configuration: 1xReflect (reflection), 2xThrough (transmission), DUT (measurement of the parameters of the fixture along with the DUT).


Resets the IP address and connection port of the analyzer to default settings.

Corresponds to the area VNA network.


Sets or reads out the IP address of the connection to the analyzer.

Corresponds to the area VNA network.


Sets or reads out the port number of the connection to the analyzer.

Corresponds to the area VNA network.


Sets or reads out the state of the VNA cal reference Zo options. The impedance calculation and conversion functions are available in low pass mode only.

Corresponds to the segment switch After removal set VNA cal reference Zo to.


Rev.:  22.2.1