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Automatic Fixture Removal

SCPI Command



Saves the calculated S-parameters of the fixtures.

no query


<string> path for the desired folder to save S-parameters of the fixture (*.SNP).


The number of files to be saved is equal to the number of analyzer ports at which fixture ports are measured. However the user interface, as well as the command, requires to enter only one path to save files. An example of a file saving path is "C:/Users/setup1", where setup1 is the prefix for saving all S-parameters. Suppose the fixtures were measured on the analyzer ports 1 and 3, then when calling the command SYSTem:CORRECTion:SAVE"C:/Users/setup1" the files setup11.s2p, setup13.s2p will be saved into the folder "C:/Users". The analyzer port number will be added to the prefix setup1 specified by the user.

Related Controls of User Interface

Results > Save correction files…

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Rev.:  22.2.1