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 Network Analyzers using RVNA and RNVNA software

Calibration kit editor allows to edit parameters for the selected kit, save/load kit to file and discard changes.

The definitions of the calibration standards included in one calibration kit are listed in the calibration kit editor as shown below.

Calibration kit editor contains (See figure below):

Label and description of a calibration kit (See Calibration Kit Label and Description Editing).

General parameter table for standard (See Calibration Standard Editing).

Offset delay measurement units switching (See Offset Delay Measurement Units Switching).

Buttons for saving/loading the calibration kit to a file (See Saving Calibration Kit to File and Loading Calibration Kit from File).

A button to undo changes for a predefined kit, or a button to delete a custom kit (See Predefined Calibration Kit Restoration and User-Defined Calibration Kit Deletion).

Calibration kit Editor

Calibration kit editor

Rev.:  24.1