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 Network Analyzers using S4VNA software

SCPI Command

SENSe<Ch>:CORRection:COLLect:ECAL2:METHod:SOLT4 <port 1>,<port 2>,<port 3>,<port 4>


Selects ports and sets the type to full 4-port for calibration performed with the 2-port AutoCal module. These presets are used on completion of the calibration executed by the SENS:CORR:COLL:ECAL2:SAVE command.

no query


Channel <Ch>,



<port 1>

The first port number, must be 1

<port 2>

The second port number, must be 2

<port 3>

The third port number, must be 3

<port 4>

The fourth port number, must be 4

Out of Range

If the same port numbers are specified, an error occurs.

Equivalent Softkeys

Calibration > AutoCal > 4-Port AutoCal > 2-Port AutoCal Module

Equivalent COM Command



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Rev.:  22.4