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 Network Analyzers using S4VNA software

The fixture simulation functions are a set of software functions for mathematically simulating measurement conditions that are different from the actual measurement conditions. The following conditions can be simulated:

For unbalanced circuits:

Port Extension or Automatic Port Extension

Port reference impedance conversion

Circuit de-embedding

Circuit embedding

Four-port network embedding/de-embedding

For balanced circuits:

Balance-unbalance conversion

The logic diagram of the fixture simulation function is shown in the figure below.

Logic diagram of fixture simulation for 4port

* S4P embedding and de-embedding are mutually exclusive operations.

** If balance-unbalance conversion is active, then condition mast be met: Za=Zb, Zc=Zd.

Logic diagram of fixture simulation function

The data processing flow diagram of the fixture simulation feature is shown in the figure below.

Data processing flow diagram of fixture simulation 4port

Data processing flow diagram of fixture simulation function

The channel to which the function is applied must be preselected as active (See Selection of Active Trace/Channel). Fixture simulation functions affect all the traces of the channel.


Fixture Simulator

To enable fixture simulation functions, use the following softkeys:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator  [ ON | OFF ]





The fixture simulator softkey enables or disables fixture simulation in general. Each fixture simulator function has its own ON/OFF softkey.


Rev.:  22.4