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 Network Analyzers using S4VNA software

De-embedding is a function of transforming the S-parameter by eliminating some circuit effect from the measurement results.

The de-embedding function allows to mathematically exclude the effect of the fixture circuit existing between the calibration plane and the DUT in the real network from the measurement results. The fixture is used for the DUTs, which cannot be directly connected to the test ports.

The de-embedding function shifts the calibration plane closer to the DUT, so as if the calibration has been executed on the network with this circuit removed (See figure below).



The circuit being removed should be defined in the data file containing S-parameters of that circuit. The circuit should be described as two-port in Touchstone file (extension *.S2P), which contains the S-parameter table: S11, S21, S12, S22 for a number of frequencies.


The S-matrices of all de-embedding circuits are oriented so that the S11 is directed to the Analyzer port and S22 directed to the DUT.


To enable/disable the de-embedding function, use the following softkeys:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > De-Embedding > De-Embedding [ON | OFF]

S-parameters File softkey-4port

Port 1 ON

If the S-parameters file is not specified, the softkey for Port n activation will be grayed out.

To enter the file name of the de-embedded circuit S-parameters of Port n, use the following softkeys:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > De-Embedding > User File

To enable/disable the de-embedding function for Port n, use the following softkeys:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > De-Embedding > Port n [ON | OFF]





Rev.:  22.4