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 Network Analyzers using S4VNA software

Balance-unbalance conversion simulates measurements in the balanced circuits using the results of unbalanced measurements. This allows evaluating balanced parameters of balanced devices. The diagram of balance-unbalance conversion is shown in figure below.


Balance-unbalance conversion diagram

The types of evaluated balanced devices are shown in figures below.


Single ended - Balanced devices (Se-Bal)


Balanced - Balanced devices (Bal-Bal)


Single ended - Single ended - Balanced devices (Se-Se-Bal)


Balanced devices (Bal)

Types of balanced devices

Unlike other fixture simulation functions, the balance-unbalance conversion function has an active trace and not the whole channel as a target. Before using this function, select the target trace.


Define the balanced devices topology, use the following softkeys:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > Topology > Device > [SE-Bal | Bal-Bal | SE-SE-Bal | Bal]



Match the port numbers to the logical (balanced) ports, use the following softkeys:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > Topology > Port 1 (se | bal)

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > Topology > Port 2 (se | bal)

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > Topology > Port 3 (bal)

Then select the Analyzer port numbers connected to the selected logical ports.



To display the matching numbers with ports, use the softkey:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > Topology > Property  [ON | OFF]




To display the balance-unbalance conversion diagram, use the softkey:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > Topology > Help



To enable the balance-unbalance conversion function, use the following softkeys:

For active trace:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > BalUn [ON | OFF]

Enable for all traces:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > BalUn ON  All Traces

Disable for all traces:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > BalUn OFF  All Traces



To select the measured balanced parameter for each trace, use the following softkeys:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > Measurement > [Sdd11 | … CMRR]





The set of available balanced parameters depends on the topology selected. See the next section for the detailed description of balanced parameters.



Rev.:  22.4