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 Network Analyzers using S4VNA software

Four-port network embedding/de-embedding is a function of S-parameters conversion, using a four-port network as an embedded or de-embedded network. The network is a Touchstone file (with the .S4P extension), containing an S-parameter table of S11, S21, S31, S41, … S44 for a number of frequencies. The embedding and de-embedding operations of this function are mutually exclusive.


To enable/disable the embedding function, use the following softkeys:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > De-Embedding S4P > De-Embedding S4P [ON | OFF]



Select the embedded or de-embedded four-port network topology, use the following softkeys:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > De-Embedding S4P > Topology > [A│B│C]

To display the selected topology, use the following softkey:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > De-Embedding S4P > Help




To select the numbers of ports, connected to the embedded or de-embedded network, use the following softkeys:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > De-Embedding S4P > Ports > [1-2-3-4 | … 4-3-2-1]





The set of available port numbers depends on the topology selected.


First you need to specify the name of the *.S4P file for the ntwk1 and/or ntwk2  network. Otherwise the operation softkey will be disabled.

To enter the S-parameter file name of the *.S4P embedded or de-embedded circuit for the ntwk1 and/or ntwk2 network, use the following softkeys:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > De-Embedding S4P > File (ntwk1)

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > De-Embedding S4P > File (ntwk2)



To select an operation with the ntwk1 and/or ntwk2 network (See topology), use the following softkeys:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > De-Embedding S4P > Type (ntwk1) [None│Embed│De-Embed]

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > De-Embedding S4P > Type (ntwk2) [None│Embed│De-Embed]



To display the final circuit based on topology, port numbers, operations and files, use the softkey:

Analysis > Fixture Simulator > De-Embedding S4P > Help



Rev.:  22.4