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 Network Analyzers using S2VNA software

To assign the measured parameters (S11, S21, S12 or S22) to an active trace, click on the S-parameter name in the trace status line and select the required parameter in the drop-down menu.

Measured data setting

Measured Parameter Setting

It is also possible to assign the measured S-parameter, receiver ratio or absolute receiver measurement to the trace in the dialog box, to do this, click more .... The required trace can be selected in the dialog box using the Next Trace softkey. If necessary, a trace can be created directly from the box dialog using the New Trace softkey. Clicking on the Calculator... softkey allows going to the trace calculator.

Dialog Box of secting S-param

Setting the measured S-parameter in the dialog box

To assign a receiver ratio measurement to a trace select the Reciever Ratio tab in the dialog box. See more about selecting receivers in Reciever Ratio Measurement.

Reciever Ratio Measurement Setting

Receiver ratio measurement selection

Measured data can be set using softkeys (See S-Parameters).


Rev.:  24.1