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 Network Analyzers using RVNA and RNVNA software

System Settings

User Interface Setting

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The software allows to adjust the following user interface settings:

Toggle between full screen and window display (See Full Screen).

The font size of all displayed items (See Font Size).

Width of data traces, memory traces, graph grid (See Trace and Grid Width).

Invert color of diagram (See Invert Color of Diagram).

Show/hide the caption of channel (See Channel Caption Setting).

Hide/show top menu bar (See Hide/Show Top Menu Bar).

Hide/show cycle time (See Hide/Show Cycle Time).

Set color of data and memory traces, markers, background, grid, font, and button (See Color).

Change horizontal graticule (Hide/Show Horizontal Graticule Label).

If necessary, user interface settings can be reset to default factory settings (See Interface Presetting).

To open Display dialog with interface settings, click on Display softkey.

Display Display dialog

Full Screen

The software on the PC screen is displayed as a window. If necessary, use full screen mode.

To toggle between full screen and window display, click on Full Screen field.

Hide/Show Top Menu Bar

By default, the top menu bar is located at the top of the screen.

The menu bar can be optionally hidden to gain more screen space for the channel window and is controlled by mouse.

To show/hide the top menu bar, click on Top Panel field to toggle between the settings.

Channel Caption Setting

To show/hide the channel title bar click on Caption field to toggle between the settings. To edit the channel title, click on the softkey Edit to recall the on-screen keypad. For a detail description see in Channel Title Bar.


Font Size

The default font size setting for all items is 11.

The font size of all displayed items can be changed. The font size can be changed to any size between 10 to 22.

To change the font size in the channel window, click on Font Size field and enter the required value using the on-screen keypad.

Trace and Grid Width

The default data width and grid width are 1.

The width can be set from 1 to 4. The changes made to the width of the data and grid will affect all the channels.

To change the data width and grid width, click on Data Width and Grid Width fields respectively. Enter the required value using the on-screen keypad.

Invert Color of Diagram

By default, the diagram is in dark color mode. The color mode can be switched to light mode.

To change the color of the background of the graph click on Inverse Color field to toggle between the on/off settings.

Interface Presetting

All set user interface settings can be reset.

To restore the default factory settings, use the softkey Preset.

Hide/Show Horizontal Graticule Label

Horizontal graticule label is located at the down of the screen. The horizontal graticule label can be hidden to gain more screen space for the trace display.

To hide/show horizontal graticule label, click on the Frequency / Distance field.

Screen Update Setting

Screen updating can be disabled to reduce the sweep time. This function can be useful when remotely controlling the Analyzer via COM/DCOM interfaces.

To enable/disable the screen updating, click on the Update field.

A single trace update is possible when screen update is disabled. Click on the trace with the mouse or hover the mouse over the graticule labels.

Fixed Grid

The setting sets the number of divisions of the channel window grid along the horizontal axis equal to 10.

To turn ON/OFF the fixed grid, click on the Fixed Grid field.

Hide/Show Cycle Time

By default, the sweep time isn't displayed in the instrument status bar. It can be enabled if necessary. Depending on the selected method, cycle time can be defined as an average value or as a maximum hold.

Click on the Cycle Time softkey.

To enable/disable the display of the scan cycle time in the instrument status bar, click on the Cycle Time field.

To toggle between method, click on Method field.

The Restart softkey is used to restart the cycle time definition and reset the previous values.

Cycle Time

Color traces, markers, background, grid, font, and button color

The color of data and memory traces, markers, the background, the grid, the font and the button can be changed if necessary.

To change the color by categories of displayed items, click on the Elements Color softkey.

To change the color of data and memory traces and markers, activate the trace, clicking on the Active Trace field. Then select displayed items to customize, clicking on Data Trace, Memory Trace or Marker softkeys. Select the color.

To change the color of other settings, click the softkey with the corresponding name. Select the color.

Interface Elements Color

Rev.:  24.1