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 Network Analyzers using RVNA and RNVNA software

The trigger system operates at two levels: at the analyzer level and at the channel level.

Analyzer States

The Analyzer can be in one of the following three states:

Stop The Analyzer waits for  the trigger to go into the Waiting for Trigger state; the Analyzer waits for any channel to enter the Initiated state.

Waiting for Trigger — the Analyzer waits for the trigger signal. If the Internal trigger source (see Trigger Source) is selected, it is automatically generated.

Measurement Cycle — all initiated channels are measured in turn.

The figure below shows the states of the Analyzer, and the transitions between them.

Trigger State Diagram

Analyzer states and transitions

The table below describes the transitions between analyzer.






To Stop

Power on.


System > Preset


Abort of the current measurement cycle.


Changing Analyzer settings by user or by the SCPI command.

For example: Stimulus > Start

For example: SENSe:FREQuency:STARt

When the Stop trigger initiation mode is turned on.

Trigger > Trigger mode > Hold

INITiate:CONTinuous OFF


Stop –> Waiting for Trigger

Every time when the Continuous trigger initiation mode is turned on.

Trigger > Trigger mode > Continuous

INITiate:CONTinuous ON

Once when the Single trigger initiation mode is turned on.

Trigger > Trigger mode > Single



Waiting for Trigger  –> Measurement Cycle

Automatically, if the trigger source is set to Internal.

Trigger > Trigger source > Internal

TRIGger:SOURce INTernal

At a signal arrival at the external trigger input, if the trigger source is set to External.

Trigger > Trigger source > External

TRIGger:SOURce EXTternal

Upon receipt of SCPI command, if the trigger Source is set to Bus.

Trigger > Trigger mode > Bus



When the Trigger Event softkey is pressed, if the trigger source is Single.

Trigger > Trigger mode > Single

Trigger > Trigger source > Internal

Trigger Event

TRIGger:SOURce INTernal, INITiate


Measurement Cycle –> Waiting for Trigger

At the end of a measurement cycle, when at least one channel has the Continuous initiation mode.

Trigger >Trigger mode > Continuous

INITiate:CONTinuous ON

After measuring a point, when the On Point trigger function is active (except R54, R140).

Trigger > Trigger Input > Event > On Point



Measurement Cycle –> Stop

At the end of a measurement cycle, when the Continuous initiation mode is disabled for all channels.

Rev.:  24.1