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 Network Analyzers using TRVNA software

System Settings

User Interface Setting

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The software allows to adjust the following user interface settings:

Toggle between full screen and window display (See Full Screen).

The font size of all displayed items (See Font Size).

Width of data traces, memory traces, graph grid (See Lines).

Set color of data and memory traces, markers, background, grid (See Сolor).

Invert color of diagram (See Invert Color of Diagram).

Hide/show menu bar (See Hide/Show Menu Bar).

Change horizontal graticule (See Hide/Show Frequence Label).

Hide/show cycle time (See Hide/Show Cycle Time).

Interface presetting (See Interface Presetting).

The user interface settings are automatically saved and will be restored the next time the analyzer is turned on. No particular saving procedure is required. If necessary, user interface settings can be reset to default factory settings (See Interface Presetting).


Rev.:  24.1