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 Network Analyzers using S4VNA software

SCPI Command

SENSe<Ch>:CORRection:COLLect[:ACQuire]:ISOLation <rcvport>,<srcport>


Measures the isolation calibration data between the receiver port <rcvport> and the source port <srcport>.

Note: The command starts the measurement immediately if the trigger source for calibration set to the "Internal" by the command SENS:CORR:TRIG:FREE, otherwise waits for the trigger signal. The command blocks the execution of the subsequent commands until the completion of the measurement.

no query


Channel <Ch>,




The number of the receiver port from 1 to 4


The number of the source port from 1 to 4

Out of Range

If the same port numbers are specified, an error occurs.

Equivalent Softkeys

Calibration > Calibrate > Response (Thru) > Isolation (Optional)

Calibration > Calibrate > One Path 2–Port Cal > Isolation (Optional)

Calibration > Calibrate > 2–Port SOLT Cal > Port 1-2 Isol (Optional)

Calibration > Calibrate > 3–Port SOLT Cal > Isolation (Optional) > Port x-y

Calibration > Calibrate > 4–Port SOLT Cal > Isolation (Optional) > Port x-y

Equivalent COM Command



app.SCPI.SENSe(Ch).CORRection.COLLect.ACQuire.ISOLation = Array(1, 2)


Variant (array of Long) (write only)


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Rev.:  22.4