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 Network Analyzers using TRVNA software

The sweep type determines how the stimulus range is scanned:

By frequency (linear frequency sweeps, logarithmic frequency sweeps or segment sweep mode).

By power (linear power sweep).

Reverse Sweep Mode

By default, the stimulus sweep starts from the start value of sweep range and stops at the stop value. In the reverse sweep mode, the sweep starts from the stop frequency and stops at the start frequency. The function applies to any sweep type (frequency, power, segment).

Vector Voltmeter

This mode allows measuring the raw vector (amplitude and phase) data at a single CW frequency, as well as the ratio of modules and the phase difference of the signals between the two measurement ports (A/B or B/A measurement). For a detail description of voltmeter see Vector Voltmeter.

The channel to which the function is applied must be preselected as active (See Selection of Active Trace/Channel).

Sweep type Lin Freq

Sweep type setting Lin FreqVoltmeterReverse sweep OFF

To set the sweep type, use the following softkeys:

Stimulus > Sweep Type

Then select the sweep type:

Lin Freq — Linear frequency sweep

Log Freq — Logarithmic frequency sweep

Segment — Segment frequency sweep

Power Sweep — Power sweep

Voltmeter Vector Voltmeter Mode

Reverse Scan — Reverse Sweep Mode





The Sweep Type can be selected using the mouse (See Sweep Type Setting).


Rev.:  24.1