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 Network Analyzers using TRVNA software


Setting Measurement Conditions

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The section describes how to set the various measurement conditions of the Analyzer.

Measurement Procedure

To perform measurements, do the following according to each measurement task:

Set the number, parameters, and traces of the logical channels involved in the measurements. For a detailed description see Channel and Trace Setting.

Set the stimulus signal parameters. For a detailed description see Stimulus Settings.

Assign the measured parameters display format, and scale to the traces. For a detailed description see Measurement Parameters Settings, Format Setting, Scale Settings.

If necessary, set the related trigger settings. For a detailed description see Trigger Settings.

Set filtering parameters to improve the signal to noise ratio. For a detailed description see Measurement Optimization.

This section also describes how to quickly set the parameters of the analyzer using a mouse. For a detailed description see Quick Setting Using a Mouse.


Rev.:  24.1