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 Network Analyzers using TRVNA software

SCPI Command

SENSe<Ch>:SEGMent:DATA <numeric list>



Sets or reads out the array of the segment sweep table.

The array has the following format:

{<Buf>, <Flag1>, <Flag2>, <Flag3>, <Flag4>, <Flag5>, <N>,

<Start 1>, <Stop 1>, <NOP 1> [,<IFBW 1>] [,<Pow 1>] [,<Del 1>] [,<Time 1>],

<Start 2>, <Stop 2>, <NOP 2> [,<IFBW 2>] [,<Pow 2>] [,<Del 2>] [,<Time 2>],

<StartN>, <StopN>, <NOP N> [,<IFBW N>] [,<Pow N>] [,<Del N>] [,<TimeN>]}

<Buf> : Always 5,

<Flag1> : Stimulus start setting (0 — start/stop, 1 — center/span),

<Flag2> : Setting of the <IFBW> field (0 — disabled, 1 — enabled),

<Flag3> : Setting of the <Pow> field (0 — disabled, 1 — enabled),

<Flag4> : Setting of the <Del> field (0 — disabled, 1 — enabled),

<Flag5> : Setting of the <Time> field (0 — disabled, 1 — enabled),

<N> : Number of segments,

<Start n> : Start value of the n-th segment,

<Stop n> : Stop value of the n-th segment,

<NOP n> : Number of points of the n-th segment,

<IFBW n> : IF bandwidth of the n-th segment (if enabled),

<Pow n> : Power of the n-th segment (if enabled),

<Del n> : Measurement delay of the n-th segment (if enabled),

<Time n> : Reserved for future use (if enabled)



Channel <Ch>,


Query Response

<numeric 1>,<numeric 2>,…<numeric 7+M×N>


N – the number of the segments,

M – depends on the values of the flags:

M = 3 + <Flag2> + <Flag3> + <Flag4> + <Flag5>

Equivalent Softkeys

Stimulus > Segment Table

Equivalent COM Command



Data = app.SCPI.SENSe(Ch).SEGMent.DATA

app.SCPI.SENSe(Ch).SEGMent.DATA = Data


Variant (array of Double) (read/write)


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Rev.:  24.1