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 Network Analyzers using TRVNA software

The IF bandwidth setting selects the bandwidth of the receivers. The IF bandwidth can take on the following values: 1 Hz, 3 Hz, 5 Hz, 10 Hz, 30 Hz, 100 Hz, 300 Hz, 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz, 30 kHz.

Narrowing the IF bandwidth increases the signal-to-noise ratio and extends the dynamic range of measurements. Narrowing the IF bandwidth by 10 will nominally extend the dynamic range by 10 dB. Narrowing the IF bandwidth increases the measurement time.

The IF bandwidth is set for each channel independently. The channel to which the function is applied must be preselected as active (See Selection of Active Trace/Channel).

IF Bandwidth menu

To set the IF bandwidth, use the following softkeys:

Response > IF Bandwidth

Then select the desired IF bandwidth by the corresponding softkey.





IF bandwidth can be set using the mouse (See IF Bandwidth Setting).


Rev.:  24.1