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 Network Analyzers using TRVNA software

Calibration Standard

Calibration standards are precision physical devices that serve as a calibration standard for the Analyzer.

Calibration standards have their own specific type, specific gender, specific impedance, standard definition.

Calibration standard definition is a mathematical description of its parameters (See Calibration Standard Definition). During calibration, the Analyzer measures standards and mathematically compares the results to the definitions of those standards. The comparison results are used to determine errors in the measurement system.

The characteristics of real calibration standards have deviations from the ideal values. For example, the ideal SHORT standard must have reflection coefficient magnitude equal to 1.0 and reflection coefficient phase equal to 180° over the whole frequency range. A real SHORT standard has deviations from these values depending on the frequency. To take into account such deviations, a calibration standard model (in the form of an equivalent circuit with predefined characteristics) is used.

Calibration standards can be combined into a calibration kit.

Calibration Kit

A calibration kit is a set of calibration standards with a specific connector type and specific impedance.

The Analyzer provides definitions of calibration kits produced by different manufacturers. The definitions of the calibration kits can be added and the predefined kits can be modified. Calibration kits editing procedure is described in Calibration Kit Management.

Rev.:  24.1