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 Network Analyzers using TRVNA software


Calibration and Calibration Kits

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Measurement accuracy is affected by errors introduced by the Analyzer and measurement setup. The nature of these errors is varied some are systematically repeated and some are random. Calibration is a process used to evaluate systematically repeated errors and mathematically exclude them from the measurement results in the correction process.


Be sure to properly calibrate if accurate measurements are required. Only a properly calibrated instrument provides the accuracy specified in the data sheet.

The section describes information about calibration, calibration kits and automatic calibration module (ACM):

General information about calibration (See General Information).

Working with calibration standards and calibration kits (See Calibration Standards and Calibration Kits).

Calibration method and procedures (See Calibration Methods and Procedures).

Power calibration with an external power meter, to maintain an accurate power level at the DUT input (See Power Calibration).

Working with the automatic calibration module (ACM), which allows simplification and speeding up of the analyzer calibration process (See Automatic Calibration Module).


Rev.:  24.1