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 Network Analyzers using S4VNA software

SCPI Command



Completes the full four-port calibration. The ports must be calibrated using the full one-port calibration in advance. The necessary number of the thru measurement must be accomplished by the command SENS:CORR:COLL:THRU:ADD:FULL4:ACQ.

This command calculates the error terms Et and El using the unknown thru algorithm. Then it saves the Et and El error terms to the existing calibration getting the full four-port calibration from the four one-port calbrations.

If the full four-port calibration already existed, updates the Et and El error terms.

no query


Channel <Ch>,


Equivalent Softkeys

Calibration > Calibrate > Thru Addition > Comlete 4-Port Calibration > Apply

Equivalent COM Command



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Rev.:  22.4