SCPI Command
SENSe<Ch>:CORRection:OFFSet:COLLect:DIRection {FORWard|REVerse|BOTH}
Specifies the direction of the scalar mixer calibration: forward, reverse or both. The command affects the graphic user interface only. The forward setting enables the power measuring button for the first port. The reverse setting enables the power measuring button for the second port. The both setting enables the power measuring button for both ports. Note: The command does not affect the SCPI calibration procedure. The actual direction of the scalar mixer calibration depend on the SENS:CORR:OFFS:COLL:PMET command usage. If the command was executed once the direction will be forward or reverse depending on the port number parameter. If the command was executed twice for both ports the direction will be both. |
command/query |
Channel <Ch>,
Forward direction |
Reverse direction |
Both directions |
Calibration > Mixer/Converter Calibration > Scalar Mixer Calibration > Direction {Forward | Reverse | Both}
Equivalent COM Command
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