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 Network Analyzers using S2VNA software

SCPI Command

SENSe<Ch>:CORRection:OFFSet:COLLect[:ACQuire]:PMETer <numeric1>,<numeric2>, <numeric3>


Measures the scalar-mixer calibration data using the power meter when the frequency offset feature is ON.

Note: The command starts the measurement of the calibration data immediately regardless the trigger settings. The command blocks the execution of the subsequent commands until the completion of the measurement..

no query


Channel <Ch>,




Measurement port number


Number of the second port of the SMC port pair


Always 0 (reserved)

Equivalent Softkeys

Calibration > Mixer/Converter Calibration > Scalar Mixer Calibration > Power > Port n

Equivalent COM Command



app.SCPI.SENSe(Ch).CORRection.OFFSet.COLLect.ACQuire.PMETer = Array(1, 2, 0)


Variant (array of Long) (write only)


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Rev.:  24.1