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 Network Analyzers using S2VNA software

Getting Started

Number of Traces, Measured Parameter and Display Format Setting

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In the current example, two traces are used for simultaneous display of the two parameters (SWR and reflection coefficient phase).

Display softkey

Num of Traces


To set the number of traces, use the following softkeys:

Display > Num of Traces > 2


To return to the main menu, click the top softkey (colored in blue).

Activate the trace before assigning the measurement parameters.

Display softkey

Active Trace 1


To activate the second trace, use the following softkeys:

Display > Active Trace/Channel > Active Trace > 2


To return to the main menu, click the top softkey (colored in blue).


The active trace can be selected using the mouse (See Active Trace Selection).

Assign the S11-parameter to the second trace. This parameter is already assigned to the first trace by default.

Measurement S21


To assign a parameter to the trace, use the following softkeys:

Measurement > S11


The measured parameter can be set using the mouse (See Measured Data Setting).

Then, assign SWR display format to the first trace and the reflection coefficient phase display format to the second trace.

Format Log Mag



To set the active trace display format, use the following softkeys:

Format > SWR (for the first trace),

Format > Phase (for the second trace).


To return to the main menu, click the top softkey (colored in blue).


The display format can be set using the mouse (See Display Format Setting).

The set parameters will be displayed in the trace status bar (See figure below).

Getting Started - Trace param

Settable parameters in the trace status field


Rev.:  24.1