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 Network Analyzers using S2VNA software

The Module is designed for calibration (error correction) of Vector Network Analyzers in automatic mode.

Calibration is performed by automatically connecting the reflection and transmission impedance states to the VNA test ports.

Calibration determines systematic errors in accordance with the VNA model. The process of mathematical compensation (numerical reduction) for measurement systematic errors is called error correction.

Using the Module instead of a mechanical calibration kit has several advantages, which ensure high measurement accuracy and a longer service life of the VNA test ports. The measurement accuracy is achieved using precision Module standards (states) descriptions, by the stability of the selected configuration, and by the application of temperature drift functions and self-diagnosis in the form of confidence check. Single module connection during calibration allows to:

Extend the VNA ports service life.

Reduce technical staff workload and risk of human error.

Make the measurement process most efficient.

The Module control protocol is based on the USBTMC‑USB488 standard.


Rev.:  24.2