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 Network Analyzers using RVNA and RNVNA software

Managing Devices

Selecting Analyzers’ synchronization mode

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This section is available for RNVNA.

To perform transmission measurement, the Analyzers must operate synchronously. Reflection measurement (e.g. independent measurements) does not require synchronization.

The software allows selection of the following options:

Free Run

Analyzers operate independently and allows to measure DUT reflection only.


Synchronization is performed by sending special commands to the Analyzers through USB bus. This allows measuring reflection and transmission coefficients of a DUT. Analyzers do not have to be connected through trigger bus, but the measurement speed is much lower than in Trigger bus synchronization mode.

Trigger Bus

Synchronization is performed by trigger signals issued by Analyzers themselves. The Analyzers trigger input/output signals should be connected through TD-16 distributor, or coaxial cable in case of using 2 Analyzers. This allows to measure reflection and transmission coefficients. Measurement speed is much higher in comparison with the USB bus synchronization mode.

To select the necessary type of synchronization, press the Devices > Synchronization > Free Run | USB Bus | Trigger Bus softkeys.

Devices Synchronization Synchronization menu

Rev.:  24.1