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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

For rectangular format, the following parameters can be set (See figure below):

scale division

reference level value

reference level position

number of scale divisions

Rectangular scale

Rectangular scale

The scale of each trace can be set independently. The trace to which the function is applied must be preselected as active (See Selection of Active Trace/Channel).


Scale 10dB

To set the scale of a trace, use the following softkeys:

Scale > Scale


Ref Value 0 dB

To set the reference level, use the following softkeys:

Scale > Ref Value


Ref Position 5

To set the position of the reference level, use the following softkeys:

Scale > Ref Position


Divisions 10

To set the number of trace scale divisions, use the following softkeys:

Scale > Divisions

Note: The number of scale divisions affects all traces of the channel.





The trace scale, value of the reference level, and reference level position can be set using the mouse (See Quick Setting Using a Mouse).


Rev.:  22.3