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 Network Analyzers using PXI software

SCPI Command

DISPlay:WINDow<Ch>:TRACe<Tr>:Y[:SCALe]:PDIVision <numeric>



Sets or reads out the trace scale. Sets the scale per division when the data format is in the rectangular format. Sets the full-scale value when the data format is in the Smith chart format or the polar format.



Trace <Tr> of channel <Ch>,




<numeric> the scale value from 10E–18 to 1E18

Out of Range

Sets the value of the limit, which is closer to the specified value.


dB |° |s

Out of Range


Query Response


Preset Value

Varies depending on the format.

Logarithmic Magnitude: 10 dB/Div

Phase: 40 °/Div

Expand Phase: 100 °/Div

Group Delay: 10e–9 s/Div

Smith Chart, Polar, SWR: 1 /Div

Linear Magnitude: 0.1 /Div

Real part, Imaginary part: 0.2 /Div

Equivalent Softkeys

Scale > Scale

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Rev.:  22.3