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Automatic Fixture Removal

The Results step is used to transfer files with calculated S-parameters of the fixture to the Analyzer software, and to apply the offset of the calibration plane (See figure below).


The sequence of parameters in the file is counted from the Analyzer port, i.e. the S11 of the fixture is always on the port side.




Apply Button

Click this button to apply and transmit the calculated data to the VNA software and apply them for de-embedding.

CAUTION If the files are missing or empty, the plug-in will report an error.


Save correction files... Button

Click this button to save fixture parameter files (*.SNP) for future use if desired.


Save setup... Button

Click this button to save Automatic Fixture Removal settings, fixture setup and Analyzer configuration.


Save raw data Button

Click this button to save raw data of fixture measurement for future use if desired. Raw data file can be recalled to Fixture measurement tab.


Back Button

Click this button to return to the previous step.


Rev.:  22.2.1