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 Network Analyzers using TRVNA software

System Settings

Overload Protection

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This section is not available for TR1300/1.

Port overload can occur when testing active devices. The power trip function is a safety feature to keep the analyzer’s port from overloading. The function is triggered when the port safety power level is exceeded. When triggered, this function disables the stimulus signal and displays the following message in the instrument status bar:  Port <n> Overload!  (where <n> is the number of the port). The message has a red background.

After the overload trips, resolve the issue causing the overload, and then manually re-enable the stimulus via the submenu:

Stimulus > Power > RF Out [On]

The power trip function can be enabled or disabled by the user. By default, it is disabled. In this mode, the stimulating signal is not disabled; in case of overload, only the message is displayed. When the overload condition is resolved, the overload indication disappears automatically after 2 seconds. In the event of a transient overload, the 2-second persistence enables the user to take notice. Display of the overload warning cannot be disabled by the user.

The ON/OFF state of power trip function is retained in subsequent sessions and does not depend on the Preset softkey.

Misc Setup

Overload Protect

To enable the power trip function, use the following softkeys:

System > Misc Setup > Overload Protect. [ON | OFF]

Rev.:  24.1