SCPI Command
CALCulate<Ch>[:SELected]:RLIMit:DATA <numeric list>
Sets the data array, which is the limit line for the ripple limit function. The array size is 1 + 4N, where N is the number of limit line segments. For the n-th point, where n from 1 to N: <numeric 1> the number of limit line segments N is the integer from 0 to 12. Setting 0 clears the limit line <numeric 4n–2> type of the n-th limit line segment: 0: OFF 1: ON <numeric 4n–1> the stimulus value in the beginning point of the n-th segment <numeric 4n–0> the stimulus value in the end point of the n-th segment <numeric 4n+1> the ripple limit value of the n-th segment Note: If the array size is not 1 + 4N, where N is <numeric 1>, an error occurs. If <numeric 4n–2> is less than 0 or more than 1, an error occurs. When <numeric 4n–1>, <numeric 4n–0>, and <numeric 4n+1> elements are out of allowable range, the value is set to the limit, which is closer to the specified value. |
command/query |
CALCulate<Ch>[:SELected] — active trace of channel <Ch>,
<numeric 1>, <numeric 2>, …<numeric 4N+1>
Analysis > Ripple Limit > Edit Ripple Limit
Equivalent COM Command
Data = app.SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).SELected.RLIMit.DATA
app.SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).SELected.RLIMit.DATA = Array(1,1,800,900,10)
Variant (array of Double) (read/write)
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