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 Network Analyzers using TRVNA software

Absolute measurements are measurements of the absolute power of a signal at a receiver input. Unlike relative measurements of S-parameters, which represent a relation between the signals at inputs of two receivers, absolute measurements determine the signal power at the input of one receiver. The TR series two-port analyzer has three independent receivers: A, B, R (See figure below).

2 port diagram

Analyzer Block Diagram

The R is a reference signal receiver. The A and B are test signal receivers. The A and R receivers are located in Port 1. The B receiver is located in Port 2. There are three types of absolute measurements (See table below).




Test signal receiver A (Source Port 1)


Test signal receiver B (Source Port 1)


Reference signal receiver R (Source Port 1)

A measured absolute parameter is set for each trace. The trace to which the function is applied must be preselected as active (See Selection of Active Trace/Channel ).

Measurement S11

Receiver ports softkeys

To select absolute measurement, click softkeys:

Response > Measurement

Then select the required parameter:

Abs A

Abs B

Abs R





In absolute measurement mode, dBm measurement units are used for logarithmic magnitude format, and W measurement units are used in linear magnitude format. Other formats are not applicable to absolute measurements.


Rev.:  24.1